1 gallon fish bowl
1 gallon fish bowl

1 gallon fish bowl

When feeding your fish, feed small amounts twice a day. Add room temperature and conditioned water to the newly cleaned bowl and then replace the fish. Wash the bowl, gravel and decorations in warm water with a little salt. Gently net your fish into a clean plastic bucket (used only for fish) that contains room temperature, conditioned water. If it is hazy, off color or you see waste accumulating at the bottom, it’s time for a change. Water in the bowl should be changed no less than once per week and sometimes more often. You don’t want your fish bowl to be a sewer. Remember, the fish waste is not processed and broken down like it is in an aquarium. Do not buy too many fish or select fish that are too large for the bowl. Gently tip the bag and let the fish swim free. Add an equal amount of water from the bowl to the plastic bag and float another 10 minutes. Siamese fighting fish (bettas) do well in fish bowls if they can be kept above 72F.įloat the bag containing your new fish in the bowl for 10-15 minutes. Most tropical fish like water that is warmer than the average bowl can maintain. Do not keep your fish bowl in a window or in direct sunlight because it can overheat very quickly. Since a fish bowl has no heater, the water temperature is that of the room. Let the bowl stand for an hour before adding the fish. Add room temperature water and the proper amount of conditioner. Place the gravel in the bowl to a depth of about 1 inch of gravel per gallon of water.

#1 gallon fish bowl free

Wash all gravel, rock and decorations and rinse them free of excess color or dust.

1 gallon fish bowl

Don’t use soap, bleach or glass cleaners as they may leave residues. Wash your new fish bowl with warm water and non-iodized salt. A small net is also needed to remove fish during bowl cleaning. Live plants do not thrive well in fish bowls. Decorative plastic plants are also an option. You should also select gravel, stones or marbles to cover the bottom of the bowl. Water can be treated with a variety of chemicals and your local pet store will know which conditioners work best for the water in your area. You will also need water conditioner to remove chlorine and other harmful contaminants. A 2-gallon fish bowl may weigh 10-12 pounds and may be awkward to carry so limit the size of the bowl to what is workable for you. Buy the largest bowl your budget and space can accommodate but remember – fish bowls need maintenance once or twice a week. Most fish bowls range from 1/2 to 3 gallons in size. Unlike an aquarium, a fish bowl does not have filtration, aeration or heat. Here are a few tips for selecting, setting up and maintaining your fish bowl. It can be tranquil and restful or a bright and decorative focal point. There are an endless variety of decorative plants and gravel to personalize your fish’s new home. Fish bowls are small, inexpensive and easy to maintain. If you’d like the pleasure of a few beautiful fish but don’t have space for a large aquarium, a fish bowl may be just the solution you need to bring some finny friends to your home.

1 gallon fish bowl